About The Conference
ICETMIE-2019 is a fourth International Conference of ICETMIE biennial Series which aims to provide a platform for academicians, researchers, scientists, practicing engineers, industrial experts, research scholars and students to explore emerging technologies in the field of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & further to contribute and disseminate their experience and research work for the purpose of exploring solutions to the global challenges. The conference will provide opportunity for participants to gain knowledge on latest developments and emerging trends in the field of manufacturing, production engineering, machine design, fluid/thermal engineering, materials and industrial engineering, through scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students and practitioners in this field. This conference offers excellent opportunities for the participants to have a direct exchange of ideas and experiences, to mine potential research problems, to forge research relations alongside finding partners for future collaborations. The conference has invited eminent speakers from industry and academia for delivering keynote-lectures and plenary-talks. Given the gamut of engineering challenges pertaining to mechanical engineering and materials that the modern society is currently faced with, a holistic effort involving and transcending various disciplines of mechanical engineering is essential. Therefore, ICETMIE – 2019 aims at emphasizing the need of the channelization of research efforts from various streams of mechanical engineering for bringing technological advancements addressing and providing solutions to key engineering issues.